Hello MySoulBalance Fans. It’s beautiful day in my neighborhood in beautiful Southern Ontario. How are you doing? Has your January...
Archive for tag: January

Brian’s Corner – Happy New Year 2018
Happy New Year. There's a feeling around here - a positive, benevolent feeling of optimism as we say goodbye to 2017. We survived. The world didn't end because you know who is President and now we can all breath a sigh of relief and start to move on with our lives and focus our energy on other things than politics, division and scorn and maybe start looking at something more fulfilling such as charity and volunteering or clearing out the clutter.

Happy New Year 2018
Happy New Year to one and to all. 2017 is done and 2018 is here. Wow. It was an amazing ride. The people, the places, the events that shaped our lives. Not just locally, but events from around the world both positive and benevolent, but also those times, places and people that were not as positive and benevolent as we would prefer them to be.
Happy New Year!
This is a amazing time of reflection. With the beauty of winter all around us, it is nice to go...
My Soulbalance, January, 2016
New year Diets Happy new year! Time to take responsibility for the extra food and drink that was consumed. Yes,...