Steve MaraboliBecause I always have a choice, I choose love.
Deepak ChopraAlways go with your passions. As we now see some days that bare grey skies, we appreciate the days when the sun is shining bright.
November is a month, when we can catch up on some reading. We are cleaning up the gardens, raking up our leaves and the neighbors leaves as well. We get a swirl of leaves that dance there way down the street to our driveway. They all seem to gather to dance and fly about, until we have at least twice the amount that our lovely red maple sheds.
Blessings to you.
In this Scorpio new moon, it is time to rise like a phoenix from the ashes, it is a vision I had when working with a group last week. The Scorpio reminds us, hey, if there is a sting in you, that you are ready to shed, don’t sting sometime just because your releasing a bunch of unwanted thoughts, and it Hurts…to feel and to let go.
That is why there are wellness practitioners, here to assist. We cannot expect to do all the releasing and clearing. If you need assistance with letting go, we are here for you. I remember when I thought that it was weak to ask for help, back in my early 30’s, now, years later, I have learned that being humble, knowing humility builds character. I am in gratitude to all our readers who come back to check out our news. I am in gratitude for all clients who come to receive blessings in our home session room, or at our new location.
Yes, our news this month, is we are booking sessions at our home office treatment room we are now also booking at Simply Pure Spa, 1001 Lands Drive, Unit 5. You can book by calling our phone, or by our regular email below. This is a lovely day spa, with lots of benefits. You can book us, and have other sessions done there as well. So, if that appeals to you, let us know. We are looking forward to seeing you.
One more bit of news, we are updating our website and logo, with new colors, the image is below. Love to know what you think of our softer colors.
Upcoming Events November 2016:Please note that My Soulbalance is now happy to accept Payment by Credit Card.
Contact Information for all Events:
Karen Egoff / My Soulbalance
16 Westwood Crescent,
Cambridge, Ontario N1S 3W6
Tel: 519-621-5599
Cell / Text: 519-496-1888
Email: Karen.soulbalance@gmail.com
Web: www.mysoulbalance.com
Unless otherwise noted below, all events are held at the above address.
If you have a group that wants to connect with a private day or weekend workshops with MySoulbalance, let s know. We do Co-ed events, as well as ladies events. We welcome all that are interested in Mindful workshops, and yoga classes.
Yoga in the Park- has gone indoors
Wednesdays 9:15 AM-10:00 AM & 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM October-May
16 Westwood Crescent Cambridge
My home studio.
Contact me for more information
Bring your mat and lets get stretching,
Cost: $8.00 for the 45 minute morning class & $10.00 for the 1-hour evening class.
Space is Limited
For more information contact Karen:
Email: karen.soulbalance@gmail.com
Text 519 496 1888 /Call 519 621 5599
Available to teach yoga/meditation at most indoor and outdoor events. www.mysoulbalance.com
We are happy to announce we are now supplying Ionic Foot Baths. Using this technology, poisons and other unwanted critters and compounds are removed through the feet while they are in the bath. For anyone who has ever had this done, you know what the water looks like afterward – it ranges from brutal to disgusting. I’ve seen every colour in the rainbow. However through these colours we can see where the body is detoxing.
We have a large selection of Orgonite Pendants, Cones, Plates, Phone Protectors and more. Visit our website at www.mysoulbalance.com to check it out. Purchase online or in person. If you have never felt the power of an Orgonite product you are missing out on one of the most powerful product to protect against EMF & ELF waves, WiFi, Electromagnetic Fields and more.
Contact Karen for more information.
As a Mindfulness Wellness Facilitator, I encourage unity in the home and in the workplace, which helps develop many benefits and behavior changes in your team or family members. This occurs as individuals become more self-aware and more aware of those around them. I so enjoy working with my skills as a basic coach, for wellness and well-being.
Some of the Healthy Body Topics that we can choose from are: chair yoga, healthy hints hour, make food fun & healthy, meditation, and de-stressing.
Some of the Healthy Mind Topics that we can choose from are: getting out of a rut, how to work with your subconscious mind, positive affirmations, and creative colour therapy.
Benefits to family and team members are: more productivity, happiness, focus, increased energy levels, a more pleasant atmosphere, adding to the team spirit, with less work for human resources and parents to untangle stress from employees or family members ~ therefore… less complaints and conflict resolution necessary. Doesn’t that sound great!
Contact me for more information.
Join us Saturday November 05 for the first annual Holistic Healing Wellness Trade Show located at The Schwaben Club – 1668 King Street East, Kitchener.
There will be a Silent Auctions with proceeds to the Hope Spring Cancer Support Centre
Goal Setting With Divine
We will create a class around your group, we will post one in January.
Center with a Mediation for Body, Mind and Soul
Tuesday Nov.22nd 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Do you want to more fully connect with your Body, Mind and Soul? Join us for this Guided Meditation to assist you.
Location: 2nd Star to the Right – 644 King Street East, Cambridge, Ontario
Cost: $10
Release old Patterns with Divine Source Energy & Masters
Future date in New Year.
Are there blocks and impediments in your life you wish you let go of but can’t because you’re stuck or afraid or don’t know how? You will do some writing, and releasing in this interactive workshop.
Location: 16 Westwood Crescent, Cambridge, Ontario
Cost: $30 Bring a Notebook
Reiki Share
For Reiki Practice recent Reiki I graduates
November 17th at 7:00 PM – 8:15 PM
For Reiki Practice for recent Reiki I graduates
Reiki Share For Reiki 2 and Masters Group
Nov 8th 12:15 AM – 1:30 PM
Location: 16 Westwood Crescent, Cambridge Ontario
Cost $10.00
Lunch, Network & Meditation
Thursday Nov 24th – 11:45 AM – 1:00 PM
The September & October Luncheons were a lot of fun with a great group of entrepreneurs coming back after a wonderful summer. Pictures are posted on Facebook for our lunch group. Let me know your interest. We are filling up.
Join us for this relaxing yet dynamic get-together. Starting with a short, guided Mediation then lunch at a great, downtown restaurant, followed by Networking and individual presentations. This was a great hit in October and November is going to be even better. Vegetarian cuisine is available.
New Location: The Kiwi Restaurant, 47 Dickson Street, Cambridge, Ontario
Cost: $25 Advance or $30 at the door.
Contact 519 496 1888 mobile
Contact Karen to register or for more information.
Reiki Level 1
The simplest definition of the word Reiki is Universal or Spiritual (Rei)- Life Force or Energy (Ki). The Reiki system is a simple and powerful system of energy work that anyone can learn to use for developing physical, emotional, mental and spiritual harmony and wholeness in themselves and for assisting others.
In the Reiki One Class you will learn:
*Physical application of hand positions for self treatment and treatment of others
* identify your Chakras
* Meditation exercises
* The History of Reiki
* First Degree permanent Attunement & Certificate
Cost: $200 (HST Included) with receipt
Reiki Level 2
Sunday November 27th 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM
The simplest definition of the word Reiki is Universal or Spiritual (Rei)- Life Force or Energy (Ki). The Reiki system is a simple and powerful system of energy work that anyone can learn to use for developing physical, emotional, mental and spiritual harmony and wholeness in themselves and for assisting others.
If you have been attuned to Reiki One and you wish to continue and expand your knowledge and skills as a Reiki Practitioner, we are offering a Reiki Two Class on Tuesday Feb 25. During this intensive, 1-day class, you will receive and be attuned to 2-New Reiki Symbols, including Emotional and Remote Healing techniques. Take your Reiki to the next level
In the Reiki two class you will receive symbols for Emotional and mental healing and Long distance healing.
* Meditation exercises
* The History of Reiki
*Second Degree permanent Attunement & Certificate
More information by contact information on website or Ph/Text 519 496 1888
Space is limited.
Cost $300 with receipt
If you are interested in being a Reiki Master or Teacher do connect with us, and we will
connect you with a class.
This class will take you to a new level in your Reiki personal and as a business practice.
It is a honor to teach. Ph/Text for more information 519 496 1888
Women’s Solstice Retreat – June 2016 was amazing. It was nice to connect with other ladies at this wonderful
time of year.
New Retreat
Mark your calanders
Next Retreat house is booked, in Grand bend, at a new wonderful location at Southcott Pines, Grand Bend.
Friday June 23 – Monday June 26, 2017
So how many of you out there have a dog or a cat? I grew up with dogs, Mike the Golden Retriever, Max the Hound Dog, Tara the Irish Setter – everyone’s favourite and then of course Ben and Luke both Labrador Retrievers, after I had left home. Without exception they were great dogs – loyal, loving, frisky, they knew their place and loved it.
Nowadays, Karen and I have 2-cats in the yard. Oscar, is a 15 year old Tuxedo with hair so black it sometimes looks blue. When he was younger he would stretch by putting his front paws on the kitchen counter. Alas, he has some arthritis in his hips, a couple of extra pounds around the middle and is missing a couple of teeth. Still, he managed to bring home a Chippie and a Rabbit this summer so he still moves out when called upon. Oh, did I mention he’s a great big baby.
Spirit isn’t quite as black as Oscar but you’ll never find him in the dark. They bred him to be a Scottish Fold – one of those cats with flat ears. When his ears came out normal (thankfully), we ended up with what was supposed to be a 7 or 8 pound cat. The last time he was weighed he was 17 1/2 and I think he’s putting weight as he settles in for the winter. For now he is long and lean but he loves to eat. In the summer, he spends way more time outdoors than inside. They both do, but Spirit will go out at 4:00 in the afternoon and come in at noon the next day. I just make sure there’s food and drink for him although half-eaten mice in the lawn are not uncommon so he’s certainly capable of feeding himself.
Next month I’ll get back to more on Herbs and Essential Oils and the occasional bit on Oscar and Spirit. They really are such good boys.
Until Next time,Cheers,
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