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Time Out on a Chilly, Rainy Friday
It took 28 days, but we finally got some rain in the month of May. I cannot imagine how fast things will be growing once the sun comes back out tomorrow. Oh, and the mosquitoes, long overdue, will be out in full force. (Did I just see snow falling?) I don’t think the tomatoes are my friends anymore. Maybe we’d better bring them in for the night.
The rain barrels will be full finally and we can start using the rain water instead of from the tap. It is a lot of work, but I believe feeding the plants rain water versus tap water produces far superior flowers and veggies. And, you use so much less water that way.
How’s everyone doing in the final days of the latest lockdown? For Brian it seems as though he’s becoming a bit of a Reinsurance Man. He’s built or is building a new garden for the ferns, installed flagstone pathways through the garden, planted shrubs, weeded, laid down 20 bags of mulch and counting and seems to be cranky today because it’s raining – just like our cats. They seem to think sitting under the sun room on a cold, wet, windy day is more desirable than sleeping beside me on the bed or beside Brian by the fireplace in the basement. To each their own I suppose.
I was out for a walk the other day – when it was 30 degrees warmer – and took some pictures of the train trestle in Cambridge and managed to capture a train crossing it, filled with who knows what, going who knows where.
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