April is here, spring is always so welcomed after a up and down end of winter weather. We will be delighted to put our winter gear away...soon.
Archive for category: Monthly Blessings
My Soulbalance March 2017
Happy St.Patrick’s Day! Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. – Benjamin...

February 2017 Monthly Blessings
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. – Lao Tzu If you...
Happy New Year!
This is a amazing time of reflection. With the beauty of winter all around us, it is nice to go...
Always go with your passions – November 2016
November is a month, when we can catch up on some reading. We are cleaning up the gardens, raking up our leaves and the neighbors leaves as well. We get a swirl of leaves that dance there way down the street to our driveway. They all seem to gather to dance and fly about, until we have at least twice the amount that our lovely red maple sheds.

Time for transformation – October 2016
Autumn is upon us, the leaves are turning, children are back to a school schedule, and moms are thinking about what to make for thanksgiving dinner.
End of the Dog Days of Summer – September 2016
Many changes are happening with this Mercury retrograde. We are shifting and releasing old patterns that no longer serve us.
Give in to our own life’s current – August 2016
Instead of following our life's path, letting ourselves flow in a downstream direction, we seem to insist on turning ourselves around and paddle against the current, struggling to move in a direction other than our own path, and at best we end up sitting still.

My Soulbalance – June, 2016
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. –...
My Soulbalance – May, 2016
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt...