After a beautiful, warm winter the chilly air returned last week to remind us – at least in these parts...
Archive for tag: garden

My Soulbalance August, 2017
As the warmer weather comes in, some days nicer then others, I realize how much we need to get out into the beautiful nature. Hello everyone and welcome to August. So far it's been a pretty wet summer with temperatures below normal. However that hasn't stopped our garden from growing some absolutely incredible food.

Brian’s Corner – June 2017
Welcome to June. I want to apologize for the lateness of this month’s newsletter. I have been working like crazy...

My Soulbalance June 2017
As the warmer weather comes in, some days nicer then others,
I realize how much we need to get out into the beautiful natur

May 2017
As the warmer weather comes in, some days nicer then others, I realize how much we need to get out...

Brian’s Corner
Around these parts we’ve had a very, less than auspicious start to the merry month of May. We’ve had over...

My Soulbalance – June, 2016
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. –...