Click Here to enjoy a short video demonstrating the SunPowerLED Red Light and Near Infra-Red Light hand held Palm-Ultimate. This...
Archive for tag: mindfulness
Reiki one Feb 26th with online option. *** Reiki 2 class in the Spring
. Reiki The simplest definition of the word Reiki is Universal or Spiritual (Rei)- Life Force or Energy (Ki)....
March 3rd Soul Alignment Healing and Cacao Event.
Join us in ceremony to harness the energy of the March 3/3 Portal and connect with Benevolent Light Beings to...
Reiki 1 – Proposed Fall Dates
Here are some proposed dates for a Reiki I Class this fall: Sunday October 30 Saturday November 5 or 19...
Good news link from Mysoulbalance
Click on Karen’s pic to link to our good news, newsletter for September, 2022
My Soulbalance August Good News Letter
Click here to read our August Edition of the Good News Letter.
Reiki 1 – July 31 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM
There is still room for one or two more people for my Reiki 1 Class this Sunday – July 31....
Karen’s Thoughts for June 2019
Karen Egoff Good afternoon. I’m having a bit of trouble trying to think of what I want to say this...
Always go with your passions – November 2016
November is a month, when we can catch up on some reading. We are cleaning up the gardens, raking up our leaves and the neighbors leaves as well. We get a swirl of leaves that dance there way down the street to our driveway. They all seem to gather to dance and fly about, until we have at least twice the amount that our lovely red maple sheds.
Give in to our own life’s current – August 2016
Instead of following our life's path, letting ourselves flow in a downstream direction, we seem to insist on turning ourselves around and paddle against the current, struggling to move in a direction other than our own path, and at best we end up sitting still.
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